Welcome to AGTech S.r.l. website

The company was founded in 2001 on the initiative of the three founders: Giuseppe Ottonello, Roberto Mairo e Alessandro Ferretto, ( Who left the Company on 2014 ) with the aim of making available to the aviation operators the skills acquired in the aviation industry both in the manufacturing and maintenance, both in flight operations activities.


Via Fieschi 2/19, 16121 GENOVA
secretary: info@agtech.info


Via Dei Mille 2/5, 17100 SAVONA
direction: g.ottonello@agtech.info
Tel./Fax 0039 0198387467

Società costituita il 06 Giugno 2001 a Genova
Iscritta alla camera di commercio di Genova con il numero Repertorio Economico Amministrativo 393802 - C.F./P.I. 01229560998 - R.I. GE-2001-35977